1) Sign in akaun blogger
2) Dashboard > Design > Page Element > Add A Gadget > Html / Javascript
3) Copy paste kod di bawah pada ruang Html / Javascript tadi
<!-- Top Commentators Cloud Start
(c) 2010 Blogger Sentral. Original code by Please do not remove this credit and the “Get this commentators widget” link at the bottom of the code.-->
<div style="text-align:justify;line-height:1.2;">
<script type="text/javascript">
function cCloud(feed) {
max = 0;
min = 10000;
//finding highest and lowest count
for (i=0;i<feed.count;i++)
ccCount = feed.value.items[i].commentcount * 1;
if (ccCount > max)
max = ccCount;
if (ccCount < min)
min = ccCount;
ccCountD = "";
display = "";
for (j=0;j<feed.count;j++)
ccdiff = feed.value.items[j].commentcount - min;
ccFontsize = 80 + (ccdiff * 100) / (max - min) + "%";
ccUrl = "'" + feed.value.items[j].authorurl + "'";
ccCountD = "(" + feed.value.items[j].commentcount + ")";//comment count
ccName = feed.value.items[j].title + ccCountD;
ccLName = "<a style='font-size:" + ccFontsize + "' href=" + ccUrl + " target='_blank'>" + ccName + "</a>";//clickable commentator name
display = display + ccLName + " ";
<script src="
&Exclusions=Jom Bina Belog
<!-- Top Commentators Cloud End -->
Pada perkataan biru - Letak url blog dan nama blog anda
4) Dah selesai, klik save dan lihat hasilnya.
Selamat mencuba! :)

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